marie j.engelsvold

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How to shift out of the 3d perspective.

Do you know the situation where you feel that other people measure you with a measuring tape? You feel that they think, you are not good enough. They are putting you into a box, without even knowing you at all. But is it true? Is this what happens? Think about it one more time, YOU think that they think. Why do you think, that they think certain things about you?

It’s you, who are thinking that you are in this box, if you didn’t think you are in this box, other people won’t think it either.

So everything is returning to yourself. Your relationship with yourself.

If you stop putting yourself into boxes, other people will stop too. We all know it, we all do it. What is really happening?

When you measure yourself from the 3d perspective, other people will measure you from the same perspective, and you will measure other from this perspective too.

I’am really tired of this 3d measuring tape perspective. It happens all the time, because we have all learned it.

Marie J.Engelsvold. “What are you hiding?” 30 x 20 cm. Photo mounted on dibond alu plate. 2019.

When we measure from the 3d, it’s only from the external perspective. It’s how you are looking, education, status, job, where you live, behaviour, age. Sure there are a lot more, but these are the most common ones.

We are putting each other into these boxes all the time, without even being conscious of that. Sometimes when I feel bad about something, if I feel I’am not worthy. It’s because I have been putting myself into a box. I have limited myself, and only been looking at myself and my behaviour, from a 3d perspective. But we have no limits, our consciousness are limitless.

Try to look at yourself, and life through an energetic viewpoint. Feel life, feel free, feel love. That’s who you are.

The more I dig into my own energy, to see how I’am behaving or reacting. The deeper I go. It’s about expanding the room inside of myself. Expanding my heart. That’s more and more the essence for me, to expand my heart to a wider and wider level. How much can I love? How much can I allow and accept in myself?

Every time I feel unease, I feel something is nagging me, I feel something isen’t right. I’am not in my highest vibration. I tap into my feelings into my body, to get an answer. Very often I end up breaking down crying, or getting very angry. I let myself express all these emotions, to release them. Because these feelings bring me down to a much heavier level, and I don’t want to be there. I don’t want to live my life on automatic pilot. I don’t want to push my feelings under the rug. Or just drinking another cup of coffee.

Every time I have to tap into my feelings of doubt, unworthiness, anger or pain, I feel the resistance. I don’t want to wrap myself up in these feelings. I don’t want to cry. I want happiness. But I know, that I will feel so uplifted, and truly released afterwards. And by letting myself cry or rage, while at the same time holding my hand, saying to myself it’s okay to feel this way. Every time I expand.

My heart expand, because I accept everything in there.

It’s not the same feeling, if you are fighting the proces. If you are mad at yourself crying, and say you should not have these feelings. Telling yourself you are wrong to have these feelings.You will drag yourself even lower. That’s why we very often avoid going into our deeper feelings, our experiences has learned us, that it can be dangerous, it can drag us down.

Sure, the resistance is right. If you fight and kick and scream. If you are so hard on yourself, it’s going to b a tough fight. But it hasen’t have to be that way. It can be so beautiful.

When I’am laying on the floor in the mittle of the day, crying my eyes out. I feel free. I feel so grateful that I allow myself to do this. It’s so pure, it’s such a simpel act. It’s so beautiful to let myself be me, in all my aspects. The good part is that you automatic shift to a higher level than before, because you don’t use your energies to hide your unowned parts under the rug. Pretending everything is okay.

When you raise up from the floor, you don’t have to pretend you are okay. You are okay. You don’t have to measure anything. You don’t have to live from the 3d perspective any longer. You lift yourself out of that vibration, of judgement, self sabortage and comparing. You are free.

Marie J.Engelsvold. “It just is” 40 x 30 cm. Photo mounted on dibond alu plate. 2019.

Marie J.Engelsvold. “Love is love” 50 x 70 cm. Photo mounted on alu plate. 2019.

When I feel low, heavy. When I start measuring others as well as myself, I know what to do. I don’t wait for days, going around feeling low. I do it right away, or as quickly as possible. I want this high and happy feeling, which is way beyond pretending to be so. I want it real.

So my best advice, is to tap into your own vibration. If something isen’t right in your outer world, if there is conflicts, if you experience a lot of challenges. Don’t fix it out there. Go inside, and fix yourself, fix your own vibration. But do it with love, allow yourself these feelings, allow yourself to cry. It’s so so beautiful. Every time your heart breaks a little bit more, it also opens up a little bit more. The more it opens, the more you can shine through, in all your aspects.

The more you dare to be vulnable, the more other people around you will dare to be true too. They will mirror your inner beauty back to you. They will not judge you, if you don’t judge yourself. They will not measure you with a measuring tape, because your inner room is so huge it can’t be measured.

It’s the same with the creative proces. If you go on measuring yourself and your art form a 3d perspective, you will also be measuring other artists out of the same perspective. It will all be external. But if you can shift into how it makes you feel, how it makes you feel to make your art. If you can find a space where it’s fun, where you feel alive. You are feeling so good about what you do, that the external measure or labeling doesn’t matter. It doesn’t even exsist. Because you have moved yourself away from this perspective, you will not attract it into your experience.

So let’s take a look at the creative process, and see if we can use this same consiousness to shift out of being blocked, which is actually us being caught up in the 3d perspective.

Marie J.Engelsvold. “Dark greeness” 30 x 21 cm. Photo mounted on dibond alu plate. 2019.

The 3 main stages of the creative process.


When you are in flow, you are completely in tune with what you do. You see endless possibilities, and it's exciting because you're so much out of your comfort zone, that it feels exciting. You don't quite know what it will end up with. You will be surprised.


You do what you are used to. It feels safe and good, but a little boring and monotonous, because there are no challenges, and it’s just about the result. You are not truly present in the act. You know the result.


You are stagnated, you cannot move forward. You see no possibilities, only limitations. You are going in circles, as you see no solutions. You have been putting yourself down in a sealed box, with no where to escape.You totally give up.

When you are in the flow, you are actually fully anchored in your own vibration, you don’t measure yourself from a 3d perspective. You are not bothered about other peoples opinions, or the result. You are totally in tune with what you are doing. You are feeling free because you are not afraid of anything, you can do what you want, there is absolutely no limits of what is possible. You feel so much joy, and excitement.

But if you try to settle the energies, you try to repeat this flow feeling, and do the same without being totally in it, you will drop down a bit. If you keep on settling the energies, wanting to repeat the flow stage, you will end up in the autopilot vibration. This vibration is where we feel safe. We like to feel safe. It’s a place most of us are settling in, most of the time. We don’t have to question anything, we know what we are doing and why. Of course it can be okay to rest a bit, for a while. But don’t stay there too long, because it will eventually drag you down further. You will end up being blocked, drained, stagnated, because to be in the auto pilot stage is not where you feel the most alive.

You can say, but it’s impossible to be in the flow all the time, who can be in this place more than 5 minutes. ? I know, it takes practise, bot it’s possible to be more and more in this vibration. It’s quite naturally, when you get used to it. It’s just as naturally as to be in the 3d external perspective. It’s just because we have learned to live from that mind set, it takes some time to shift and hold the shift.

By tapping into your own feelings, your own energy, you can shift into the flow stage. Because when you are in flow, you are only anchored and grounded in your own feelings, your own energies. If you feel a lot of heavy energies, if you are blocked or is in auto pilot mode , you can release these energies, while giving yourself total love and acceptance.

Try it. :-)

Hope you enjoyed this post. Have a very nice day.

I’am sharing this information to you freely, from my own experiences. Hope you can use it in your own process. Any donation, is deeply appreciated. :-)

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