Marie J. Engelsvold & Morten Gersager Abel
Galerie Pi. Borgergade 15D, 1300 Copenhagen.
Invitation to the opening Friday, March 29 at. 17-19
The exhibition lasts until Saturday, May 4, 2019
Now that spring is on its way and the joy of expectation slowly opens the mind to new plans, paths and opportunities, it is obvious to show this playful and experimental exhibition.
Marie J. Engelsvold and Morten Gersager Abel's works are something very special together because they are sensuous and fun loving while at the same time thematizing the bottomless complexity that comes with being human today. The ways they do this are very different, and the tools cover the extremely concrete to the sensuous, complex and undefinable. The question, "what is it?" Goes like again on several levels, and starts thinking about how we create meaning - you might say life's meaning - of what we see and experience. People often find it easier to relate to things that are either / or, just as we love to classify concepts in dichotomies. At this exhibition, we need to look more closely at the "authentic" and the "constructed".
Morten Gersager Abel
Morten Gersager Abel's funny trompe d’eul versions of everyday objects, such as boxes, furniture and utensils, which in our consciousness have a high symbolic value of practical authenticity, are things that resemble, but are not. Through the notion of the solid, tangible natural material as an authentic element of our everyday life, he refers to others and more variegated levels in modern human life. He explains: "Modern technology is just as much the truth as it reflects it, and it can be difficult to navigate in. The sculptures can be seen as an attempt to create order in chaos by symbolizing credibility, reliability, and authenticity. They point back to man as the creator of their own living conditions - homo faber - and the basic, unpretentious materialism that reconstructs some basic values of a post-structural, changeable world.
Marie J. Engelsvold
Marie J.Engelsvold. “My purple heart” 106 x 53 x 3 cm. Wood, yarn, foam. 2019
Marie J. Engelsvold works differently with the abstract, transparent expression, where compound materials with textures and surfaces that are glued or sewn together create what one is tempted to call "small ecosystems" in the complex and complex reality. The point of her works is precisely to express what is too complex to express in words, and it is quickly perceived that the circular energy that lives in her works must be felt - not understood - and it is here that the theme of authenticity arises. . Her eccentric, almost electric, works are reminiscent of the fact that the authentic life is full of spontaneous and unexpected elements that make it dynamic and changeable. She wants to show the importance of the inner world, the energy behind the materialistic world. As everything we meet in the outer world is a reflection of our own perception. As she herself says, "I want to free myself from the mental expectations and images, to be truly present with myself."